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Sunday 28 February 2010

Colour therapy

Colour is simply light of varying wavelengths/frequencies. As we are basicly made of energy, is is not suprising that colour can have an effect on us. Have you ever noticed how calm a room can feel if it is painted in blue or lilac shades? Or how busy a room can feel if it is painted red or orange? Even the colours we wear have an effect. If you choose to wear a bright colour you somehow feel more alive and energised.

Colour therapists mainly use the seven colours of the rainbow, each colour relating to one of the Chakras in our body. A therapist will use one or more of the following during a treatment:-

Silks in Chakra colours to lay over the body
Full spectrum lights
Colour solarised water
Aromatherapy oils
Colour energised oils
Colour breathing techniques
Art techniques

The aim of a Colour therapy session is to balance the energy in the Chakras to promote wellbeing.

Friday 19 February 2010

Crystal Healing

Crystals emit energy, different kinds emit different frequencies. You may be able to feel the energy from a Crystal if you hold it in the palm of your hand, close your eyes and relax, you may sense a slight pulsating energy.

Crystals have long been used for their healing properties. We have energy centres in our bodies called Chakras. These are located down the centre of our bodies from the crown to the base ( genital area). Each of these Chakras can get blocked or the energy flow out of balance, eventually causing physical problems and illness.

Crystals can be used to balance the energy by being placed on or near the body. Different Crystals will affect different energy centres, for example, Rose quartz is believed to help the flow of energy in the heart Chakra area and Amethyst for the third eye (forehead) Chakra.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Reiki healing

Reiki healing is an ancient healing method that originated in Japan. This healing method is the transference of energy or chi. It can be transfered by the laying on of hands as well as from a distance with the use of a Reiki symbol, there are many Reiki symbols used to intensify the energy and to focus on specific things such as the emotional body or to elliminate viruses.

Reiki can help to relieve many symptoms and illnesses and promote healing and relaxation.

Having a Reiki treatment can be a very relaxing and sometimes deeply moving experience. During a session, usually the recipient will lay down (fully clothed) and covered with a blanket for extra comfort. The Reiki practitioner will usually transfer the energy through their hands, either touching or slightly above the recipient. Starting at the head, the practitioner will send energy into the recipient usually into each of the chakras (energy centres in the body) and then maybe focus on areas that require extra attention. The recipient will feel extremely relaxed, even to the point of nodding off. Some people will feel a warmth radiating from the practitioners hands and a slight tingle. Having a Reiki treatment can induce an emotional release, you may become tearful or even feel energised after a session. The deeply relaxing state this treatment puts you in is an important part of the healing process, our bodies need to relax in order to rejuvenate.

Reiki will have an effect on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies making it a truly holistic therapy!

Why not try it? It is definitely an experience worth having.

Monday 1 February 2010

An Introduction to my Blog

Hello and welcome!

What I intend to do in this blog is to maybe shed some light on Alternative therapies and different paths to Health and Well being, for those of you not yet familiar with these concepts and hopefully offer an interesting read for those of you who are well acquainted with all things alternative.

A bit about me; I studied Reiki healing 12 years ago and have looked into the metaphysical causes to illness as well as studying Philosophy.

It is beneficial to stay relaxed, in body and mind and to have a healthy diet to be healthy. Exercise is another important factor, as most of us know.

In this blog I will write short articles on various Alternative therapies, the importance of listening to your body, the power of thought and beliefs and metaphysical causes of health problems. I will also include beneficial types of exercise.

My first article will cover Reiki, a transfer of energy which aids healing and well being.